The National curriculum recognises the development of speaking and listening is integral to Educational development.

Charlotte Comley will select an appropriate programme of stories for any age group undertaking up to four sessions a day.  She particularly enjoys finding a story which works well with on going project work.

Session length will be approximately as follows:

Nursery & Playgroups 20 Minutes
Infants 30 Minutes
Juniors 45 Minutes
Secondary 60 Minutes

Workshops can be arranged in groups of 30. 


The stories’ relevance to the aims and outcomes of the National guidelines


Storytelling provides a ready means of realising many aims of English language learning and teaching. It is a rich and stimulating context for language development, enabling reflection upon ideas and experiences as well as to gain imaginative and aesthetic pleasure, developing positive attitudes to language enjoyment and co-operation through the shared live experience of participatory telling. Moreover, it provides opportunities for:

-listening to a speaker who will provide examples of clarity and delivery in standard English

-encountering a range of accents

-associating listening with other forms of communication - body language

-being introduced to traditional oral texts as sources of experiences and an understanding of language's nature, structures, varieties, purposes and effects

-learning tolerance through the national, European and world heritage of oral traditions

-exploring and imitating a real model of effective language.

This helps attain Listening Outcomes but will also encourage imaginative writing, reading for enjoyment and talking about texts.

Across Levels A - E, oral storytelling helps attain the targets of listening in order to respond to texts and awareness of genre:




-folk and fairytales,

-ghost and horror stories,

-urban folktales.



For Environmental Studies' social subject "People in the past", storytelling can develop a sense of the past.

Storytelling can be used with particular reference to strands "People, events and societies of significance in the past" (Levels D and E) and "The nature of historical evidence" (Levels C and D).


17 Oct 2008

Charlotte Comley Storyteller